
Can You Eat Popcorn with Braces? Safe Foods for Your Child with Braces

Braces can be an excellent way to keep your child smiling bright and straight. Orthodontic treatment has come a long way, and braces can do wonders for fixing crooked teeth, gaps, and more. But when your child gets braces, they may have to make some adjustments to certain parts of life, including their diet.

You should not eat popcorn or any other hard, crunchy, sticky, or overly chewy foods when you have braces. These foods can damage braces and become trapped, leading to bacteria buildup. Instead, try to encourage your child to enjoy softer, gentler foods. 

When you visit a paediatric dentist for orthodontic services, you can get personalized advice for helping your child adjust to braces—as well as guidance related to other common children’s dental issues, such as yellow teeth.

What Are Braces For?

The purpose of braces is to apply constant pressure to the teeth, slowly shifting them towards a desired position. This can help improve the alignment of teeth and, by extension, your overall dental health, the aesthetic appearance of your smile, and your quality of life.

Why Do You Have to Avoid Certain Foods with Braces?

Braces are a little more complicated than they may seem at first. They are intricate orthodontic devices made up of several parts, including:

  • the brackets, which are the small squares adhered to the teeth
  • the archwire, which connects each bracket and exerts pressure on the teeth to move them into their desired position
  • the bands, which are placed around the molars and help anchor the braces in place
  • the elastics, which are hooked on to help apply additional pressure to specific areas

All those parts can be susceptible to damage, so it is important to avoid eating foods that can cause issues with braces.

This is about a lot more than just preserving the braces themselves! Damage caused by certain foods could also make your child’s braces less effective, and certain foods can cling to braces or get trapped, leading to the buildup of plaque and cavities in hard-to-reach areas. 

This is why it is so important to follow advice from your paediatric dentist. We can recommend appropriate foods for your child to enjoy while wearing braces.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

It is important to know which foods are off the menu when your child has braces. Some of the most common culprits for damage include:

  • hard foods
  • sticky and chewy foods
  • crunchy foods

By avoiding foods that fall into these categories, you can prevent damage to your child’s braces while helping keep their orthodontic treatment process smooth and effective.

Specific Hard Foods to Avoid

Popcorn, nuts, and hard candies can damage braces. Crusts on harder breads can also be troublesome, especially when they are thick.

Ice is also something many kids love to chew on, but it should be avoided. In fact, both kids and adults should avoid eating ice in general.

Raw vegetables and fruits like apples or carrots should be cut into small bite-sized pieces instead of being bitten into whole, and meats with bones require caution as they often need to be removed from the bone before consumption.

Specific Sticky & Chewy Foods to Avoid

Chewy candy, toffees, and caramels can get caught in braces and are difficult to clean off. Gum should also be avoided, whether traditional or sugar-free, due to its sticky nature.

Dried fruits like raisins and apricots might be a healthier snack, but their sticky texture can also make them risky with braces. 

Foods to Eat with Braces

With that long list of foods to avoid, you might be wondering, what foods can your child eat with braces? They are still growing, after all, and they are going to need plenty of fuel.

Here is a general timeline of when certain foods are safe to eat at different stages of having braces:

1 Week After Getting Braces

1 week after getting braces, your child’s mouth may be fairly sensitive. It is essential to prioritize soft, comfortable foods that do not put any strain on their mouth and do not contain anything that can damage the newly-installed braces at this time, such as:

  • yogurt
  • pudding
  • mashed potatoes
  • smoothies
  • soup
  • eggs
  • fish

2–8 Weeks After Getting Braces

At the 2–8 week point, your child may still be adjusting to their new braces. Their full adjustment could take some time. At this point, try to avoid anything too hot or too cold. Instead, focus on easy-to-eat foods with a softer texture, such as:

  • soft fruits like peaches, bananas, and melons (but be sure to slice them into bite-sized pieces)
  • cooked vegetables like steamed spinach or mashed sweet potatoes
  • oatmeal and quinoa
  • soft bread without a tough crust

2–6 Months After Getting Braces

At this point, your child’s mouth may be less sensitive, and they may have more options for foods that are comfortable to eat. While you still need to avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that could cause damage to the braces, your child may still be able to start enjoying some of their old favourites, such as:

  • pasta and noodles
  • soft cheeses
  • ground meats like turkey or chicken

6+ Months After Getting Braces

After the 6 month mark, children have often adjusted to their new braces. They may be able to start enjoying most foods, except the hard, sticky, and chewy foods you should always avoid with braces.

Of course, it’s always important to follow a balanced diet and encourage your child to rinse their mouth after eating as well. And do not forget, regular dental visits are vital for making sure braces are working!

The Importance of Regular Children’s Dental Visits

If your child has braces, it is essential to regularly visit a paediatric dentist to monitor their progress. Dental health is an important priority in life, and it is crucial to instill good habits in your child in their younger years. 

Even for children without braces, early visits with a paediatric dentist can provide the building blocks they need to keep their teeth healthy for a long, long time.

It’s never too early to visit us at The Children’s Dental Centre. We can monitor your child’s oral development and provide personalized guidance for orthodontic treatment. 

Book an appointment with us today. We can work together to help your child smile bright.