
Sedation Options

Paediatric dentists are experts when it comes to treating children’s dental anxiety and getting dental work completed under difficult situations. Some children require additional support to ensure a positive dental appointment. For example, some children may have anxiety, may have had a difficult past dental experience, are medically compromised or have other diverse needs. At The Children’s Dental Centre, we are committed to supporting you and your child, so that the experience is a positive one.

Pharmacological management may be a helpful option to treat your child’s dental needs safely and/or help prevent emotional trauma. In our office, we offer numerous types of sedation, such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral conscious sedation (laughing gas with an oral medication), in-office general anesthesia and outpatient hospital general anesthesia.

Prior to any treatment, we will have a thorough conversation about all of our sedation options, and you, as the parent, will decide what is best for your child and family. Please contact our office at 416-252-KIDS(5437) to schedule an appointment today.